Jul 11, 2013 | HowTo, Technology
Dropbox for Business accounts can make use of Dropbox’s Single Sign-On (SSO) features. This allows for centralized administration of users instead of having to track down each user’s known application accounts and modifying settings there. SimpleSAMLphp is a flexible SAML 2.0 IdP or SP which allows admins to quickly deploy a previously complex server with minimal configuration.
Jul 5, 2013 | Reviews, Technology
I have… no idea what to make of this new Samsung commercial. Samsung’s new ad from Iceland attempts to show Apple who’s boss, but is having a guy performing some sort of mating dance ritual with a goat really necessary? Samsung thinks so.
Jul 2, 2013 | HowTo, Technology
Penango is a Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer plug-in which allows users to seamlessly use strong encryption to secure e-mails through popular web-based services such as Google Gmail. This guide is meant for the average computer user who would like to encrypt and decrypt emails to and from friends/family/coworkers without worrying about too much of the technical details.
Jun 24, 2013 | HowTo, Technology
“In Windows Server 2008 R2, in addition to the Dism.exe command, you can use the Server Configuration tool (Sconfig.cmd) to configure and manage several common aspects of Server Core installations”. This article will give a brief overview of SConfig as well as a quick tutorial on using this handy tool to install Windows Updates on your Windows Server 2008 R2 Core server.
Jun 24, 2013 | HowTo, Technology
The Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) package allows administrators to utilize the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to manage Windows Servers remotely. These tools become incredibly useful when working with Microsoft Server 2008 R2 Core servers as they do not provide a GUI for tasks such as Active Directory management or DNS/DHCP management.
Jun 20, 2013 | Technology, WWPass related
OpenVPN relies on cryptographic keys and certificates for secure communication between a VPN client and the remote server. The WWPass PassKey technology, in conjunction with Microsoft CryptoAPI, can fortify those keys and give users and systems administrators peace of mind by taking the challenge of protecting private cryptographic information out of their hands.