The FIDO Alliance’s “Second Factor Experience” In A Nutshell
The FIDO Alliance is a conglomerate of top technology corporations (Microsoft, Google, Oberthur, NXP, Paypal, etc…) aiming to create standardized enhanced authentication with specific goals of “Passwordless Authentication” (UAF) and “Second Factor Authentication” (U2F). Essentially, they want to be able to framework how companies provide secure access to their web resources as well as how users prove their identity to the companies. Here’s my take on the effort.
Convert Windows Public Certificate (.cer) to OpenSSH Public Key
If you have a PKI certificate in your Windows PC that you would like to use to log in to your OpenSSH-enabled Linux server, it can be a pain to figure out how to extract the public key from this file and convert it into a format OpenSSH can understand.