ServiceNow plugin for Cloudify overview
Zefflin Systems recently announced their new, shiny Cloudify Plugin for ServiceNow which integrates Application Automation with IT Service Management
Zefflin Systems recently announced their new, shiny Cloudify Plugin for ServiceNow which integrates Application Automation with IT Service Management
The FIDO Alliance is a conglomerate of top technology corporations (Microsoft, Google, Oberthur, NXP, Paypal, etc…) aiming to create standardized enhanced authentication with specific goals of “Passwordless Authentication” (UAF) and “Second Factor Authentication” (U2F). Essentially, they want to be able to framework how companies provide secure access to their web resources as well as how users prove their identity to the companies. Here’s my take on the effort.
I’ve dealt with a lot of integration projects involving Single Sign-On using SAML2.0 but LogMeIn Rescue’s process for achieving this threw me for a loop initially. I’d like to share a little insight to hopefully help others achieve SSO using LMI Rescue with minimal pain.
The Dyn Geek Summer Camp 2013 conference in Manchester, NH was held yesterday and today. It was probably the best conference I’ve been to this year and, best of all, it was a 5 minute walk from work. Great speakers, great entertainment, a great facility, and great food! This was Dyn’s first year hosting this conference and I hope they continue this new tradition as it was a blast and I felt like I’m walking away with a little more insight into what’s to come in the realm of technology. Here’s some photos and videos!
I have… no idea what to make of this new Samsung commercial. Samsung’s new ad from Iceland attempts to show Apple who’s boss, but is having a guy performing some sort of mating dance ritual with a goat really necessary? Samsung thinks so.
I’d like to share a handy dandy online tool that I discovered a few years ago while running my IT consulting business. While it’s not the One Marketing Tool to Rule Them All, it’s a great starting point by providing a bird’s eye view of where you stand in relation to other websites (including your competition!).