HubSpot’s Online Marketing Grader is a free online tool that does a check on your website for common issues with marketing exposure (such as not having a blog or mobile site to accompany your website). It will then assign you a score out of 100 to your overall marketing exposure rating. The higher the score, the more likely your site is to be marketed efficiently and correctly and also indicates how easy it is for search engines to parse your site.

Analyze your website and enjoy a bird’s eye view of your website’s online visibility and an overview of how to make your website more effective.
You can also use this tool to see how your competition is doing and what tricks they may be using to boost their online exposure! It never hurts have an edge.
The Online Marketing Grader is not 100% accurate (nor do they claim to be). For instance, Joscor.com has a mobile website, but the Online Marketing Grader simply ignores it (for some syntactic disagreement I’m sure), thus docking my score a bit. Overall it’s a great guideline and can point out obvious flaws with your website that can be easily corrected to help your online visibility.