Jan 7, 2015 | Programming, Security
I recently wrote a Windows .NET application that generates SHA1/2 hashes for a given input. It has SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 support as well as PBKDF2 support (1-100,000 rounds).
Oct 18, 2014 | Featured Articles, HowTo, Security
Online security & privacy is more important than ever. Read now to increase your online security and to form good online privacy habits for the future.
Oct 12, 2014 | HowTo, Programming
How To Find All Users In A Socket.IO Room Socket.IO version 1.0+ is a complete rewrite of the popular JavaScript library for “real-time bidirectional event-based communication”. This means that a whole lot of your pre-1.0 code will simply not work; it...
Oct 1, 2014 | HowTo, Technology, WWPass related
Your Password Manager Is Insecure Unfortunately, not every website on the internet takes security all that seriously and still requires users to sign-up and authenticate with usernames and passwords. More progressive websites have started to allow users to log-in...
Sep 23, 2014 | HowTo, Security, Technology
Is Your Website’s SSL Vulnerable? In this tutorial, I’ll walk through how to check your website’s HTTPS SSL certificate for common vulnerabilities and I’ll also provide some steps to easily mitigate common issues. Check Your SSL...