Jun 24, 2013 | HowTo, Technology
The Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) package allows administrators to utilize the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to manage Windows Servers remotely. These tools become incredibly useful when working with Microsoft Server 2008 R2 Core servers as they do not provide a GUI for tasks such as Active Directory management or DNS/DHCP management.
Jun 20, 2013 | Technology, WWPass related
OpenVPN relies on cryptographic keys and certificates for secure communication between a VPN client and the remote server. The WWPass PassKey technology, in conjunction with Microsoft CryptoAPI, can fortify those keys and give users and systems administrators peace of mind by taking the challenge of protecting private cryptographic information out of their hands.
Jun 19, 2013 | Uncategorized
Link: Forbes: Microsoft Finally Offers to Pay Hackers for Security Bugs Microsoft Finally Offers To Pay Hackers For Security Bugs With $100,000 Bounty
Jun 10, 2013 | HowTo, Technology
Owning a PC is like owning any other machine in that it requires a little (preventative) maintenance to ensure maximum performance and longevity. By following these 5 easy steps you can add years of life to your computer and avoid countless headaches.
Jun 4, 2013 | Featured Articles, General Articles, Technology
Joscor.com and Hakin9.org have been working closely over the past month on Hakin9 Magazine’s latest “Nmap Guide Revisited – Hakin9 Tutorials” issue. Joscor, and many other authors from companies such as IBM, Microsoft, HP, Qualys and FireEye, have constructed an extremely detailed and comprehensive guide for the Nmap, an invaluable software tool for IT administrators, security professionals and hackers alike.