Atlassian Hipchat on Fedora 24

Since Atlassian must find it too difficult to provide instructions for any other Linux distro besides Ubuntu / Debian, I thought I’d jot down the instructions here for Red Hat based distributions. They do provide a YUM / DNF repository to use, but they fail to...

Red Hat Cloudforms Python API library

The Cloudforms API client library is a Python library used for interacting with Cloudforms (CFME) and ManageIQ (MIQ) cloud management appliances via their built-in RESTful interface.

Should CloudFlare Block Known ISIS Sites?

Should CloudFlare Block Known ISIS Sites?

After Anonymous released its list of known terrorist sites – waves were made. Now there’s some questions around CloudFlare. Is CloudFlare aware they are protecting known ISIS sites? Is CloudFlare breaking the law by protecting known ISIS sites? Let’s review.

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