Oct 14, 2016 | Featured Articles, HowTo, Technology
Quick and dirty tips on using Cloudify nested scaling groups and policies for better, more intelligent, service scaling.
Sep 26, 2016 | Featured Articles, HowTo, Programming
After migrating a large website and setting up Elegant Theme’s Divi theme, I found that all of the migrated posts had a default template set of “right sidebar”. The customer was fine with there being no modification to the posts except that they did...
Sep 1, 2016 | Featured Articles, HowTo
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” This error message is because either the XCB QT5 module can’t be found, or the module can’t be loaded because one of its library dependencies is...
Aug 28, 2016 | Featured Articles, HowTo, Technology
Since Atlassian must find it too difficult to provide instructions for any other Linux distro besides Ubuntu / Debian, I thought I’d jot down the instructions here for Red Hat based distributions. They do provide a YUM / DNF repository to use, but they fail to...
Jan 24, 2016 | Featured Articles, Reviews, Technology
Zefflin Systems recently announced their new, shiny Cloudify Plugin for ServiceNow which integrates Application Automation with IT Service Management
Oct 18, 2014 | Featured Articles, HowTo, Security
Online security & privacy is more important than ever. Read now to increase your online security and to form good online privacy habits for the future.